The images used on are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) and sourced via the Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington’s photostream
Plaque commemorating Taylor Grazzing Act 50th anniversary was dedicated by BLM. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
Pioneers of the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. On June 28, 1934, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 into law. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
In 1984, ranchers, BLM employees, and other stakeholders gathered at a roadside pull-off west of Jordan Valley, Oregon, to dedicate a monument commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Taylor Grazing Act. That monument still exists today, and cattle continue to range nearby. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
Cattle grazing in an allotment on the south side of Steens Mountain, July 11, 2018, by Greg Shine, BLM. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
Cattle grazing on open rangelands below Jackson Summit, with the Oregon Canyon Ridge in the background, June 8, 2017, by Greg Shine, BLM. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
Cattle grazing in an allotment on the south side of Steens Mountain, July 11, 2018, by Greg Shine, BLM. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
Cattle graze along the Snake River-Mormon Basin Back Country Byway, Aug. 1, 2018, by Greg Shine, BLM. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
Cattle grazing at sunset on oppen public rangeland in Malheur County, Oregon, with the east side of Steens Mountain visible in the distance, Oct. 17, 2017, by Greg Shine, BLM. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0
Cattle graze along the Snake River-Mormon Basin Back Country Byway, Aug. 1, 2018, by Greg Shine, BLM. Photograph touched up by Use license CC BY 2.0